Citation - Boston Gazette: 1743.05.17

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Index Entry Books, New England Psalm Book [t], among those burned at Davenport's urging 
Location New London 
17 May 1743:31 (1107)
The following letter was left by the Rev. Mr. Parsons of
Lyme with a friend of his, whereon he was last in town;
which we are desired to insert in this paper.  Sir,
  Having heard much discourse, while in town, about the
burning of books last March at New-London, by the
countenance of Mr. Davenport and some others, I thought it
would not be amiss to leave these lines with you, to make
what use of them you think fit, for the correction of some
mistakes about it.  The current report, I find, is, that the
New-England Psalm Book, some of the works of B. Beveridge,
and of the Rev. Messirs. Flavel, Shepard, Henry, Willard,
Stoddard and Dyer were burt with others:  And last night I
met with the same account in some of the publick papers.  I
am sorry the town or country should be imposed upon by such
a false account.  I was at New-London myself in a day or two
after the surprizing conflagration, and made particular
inquiry of Mr. Tuthill, the person that put the books into
the fire, respecting these authors, (for I had heard a story
of them before, at home)
  Mr. Tuthill told me he knew what books he put in, and all
the books that were burnt:  He said that one of mine was
among the number, but not one of the above-mentioned
authors.  I don't give you this account to excuse the
transaction; nor indeed, do any of those that were concerned
in it, justify themselves, (so far as I can learn) but
confess their fault.---I am so far from thinking that dear
Mr. Davenport's being govern'd by impulse, is agreeable to
what the Scriptures teach us of Christians being led by the
spirit of God, that I look upon it an error of very
dangerous tendency; and I should have freely joined those
Rev. ministers, Messirs. Meacham, Lord, Griswold, Williams,
&c. who met at New-London on the 31st of March last, had I
been present;
. . . [5 lines]  I pray God to deliver dear Mr. Davenport
from such a delusion, and to preserve others from bringing
the like reproach upon the gracious operations and work of
the blessed Spirit; and am, (in haste) your brother and
servant in the Kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, 
Boston, May 10.1743.  Jonath. Parsons.

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1743.05.17 
Publisher Kneeland, S. and T. Green 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1743 
Bibliography B0004884
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