Citation - Boston Gazette: 1744.01.10

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Index Entry Drums, in New Brisac, beat for French troop movements 
Location New Brisac 
10 Jan 1744:11,12,21 (1142)
An extract of a letter from an English gentleman in Prince
Charles's army, to a friend in London.
  The general opinion being, that the scene of action would
be at Prince Charles's army, I made a tour to it, and
arriv'd but a few days before that Prince entered upon his
design of passing the Rhine; the particular accounts of
which I will give you, that you may not be deceived by the
false accounts which have been dispersed in the publick
gazettes.  On the 4th instant, we set out, a little above
Old Brisac, at nine o'clock at night, in open boats, with
500 Pandours. . . [1 line] Baron Trenk commanding the
irregular troops, and General Connigseg commanding the
whole. . . [11 lines]  Having thus got our foot on the other
side of the Rhine, and cleared all the posts the French had
for a mile and half,. . . [9 lines] and we very plainly
heard their troops on their march from New Brisac, about
half a mile from the canal, their drums beating and their
trumpets sounding.  But is seems they were afraid of us, for
tho' they marched, they only thought of reinforcing the
redoubt. . . [2 lines + 5 paras. more]

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1744.01.10 
Publisher Kneeland, S. and T. Green 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1744 
Bibliography B0004918
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