Citation - Boston Gazette: 1744.01.10

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Index Entry Clock, musical, made by Lockwood, David, just arrived from London 
Location Boston 
10 Jan 1744:42 (1142)
Just arrived from London, For the entertainment of the
curious and others, and is now to be seen in a large
commodious room at the house of Mr. Browne in Kingstreet,
Boston, the solar or camera obscura
Microscope, Invented by the ingenious Mr. Liberkhun. . . [2
  The unparalleled musical clock, made by that great master
of machinery David Lockwood:  The clock and the camera
obscura, with the battle at Dettingen, with several other
curiosities for the evening diversions, beginning at 6
o'clock.  Price five shillings old tenor, the lowest.

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1744.01.10 
Publisher Kneeland, S. and T. Green 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1744 
Bibliography B0004918
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