Citation - Boston Gazette: 1744.06.12

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Index Entry Ben, runaway Negro, plays violin 
Location Watertown 
12 Jun 1744:41 (1164)
Ran-away from Mr. John Hunt of Watertown, a Negro man nam'd
Ben, about 30 years of age (he says 27) yellow complection,
round face, speaks good English, a pleasant countenance,
middle stature, tread light, understands farming; he had on
when he went away, a drobb cloth colour'd jacket, near the
colour of his complection, a pair of black sheep skin
breeches, his wool was just cut off, he plays on a violin. 
Whoever shall take up the abovesaid run-away, and him convey
to his said master, shall have five poyunds (old Tenor)
reward, and all necessary charges.  All masters of vessels
are hereby caution'd against carrying off said servant, on
penalty of the law. 

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1744.06.12 
Publisher Kneeland, S. and T. Green 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1744 
Bibliography B0004940
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