Citation |
16 Jul 1745:42 (1220)
Ran-away from Capt. Joseph Hale of Newbury, a Negro man
named Cato the 6th instant, about 22 years of age, short and
small, speaks good English, and can read and write,
understands farming work, carry'd with him a striped
homespun jacket & breeches, and trousers, and an outer coat
& jacket of home-made cloth, two pair of shoes, sometimes
wears a black wigg, has a smooth face a sly look, took with
him a violin, and can play well thereon. Had with him three
linnen shirts home-made pretty fine yarn stockings. Whoever
shall bring said Negro to his said master, or secure him so
that he may have him again, shall have five pounds reward,
and all necessary charges paid by me.