Citation - Boston Gazette: 1745.10.15

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Index Entry Psalm 116 [t], sung in Ipswich in private meeting, death during singing 
Location Ipswich 
15 Oct 1745:22 (1231)
Ipswich [Mass], October 7.  Last night died here very
suddenly Nath. Cross, Jun in the 22d year of his age; a
young man of a healthy strong constitution.  He was a
Meeting yesterday both parts of the day; and went out well
in the evening to a private meeting, join'd with other in
prayer, and began to sing God's praises; he read the first
stave in the 116th Psalm, and sung with others, but was then
struck with death, and wholly depriv'd of his reason, and
expir'd in about three hours.  He was a person well belov'd,
& his death much lamented by all that knew him.

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1745.10.15 
Publisher Kneeland, S. and T. Green 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1745 
Bibliography B0005007
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