Citation - Boston Gazette: 1746.03.18

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Index Entry Bell, in Ipswich, forenoon, rung on Sabbath 
Location Ipswich 
18 Mar 1746:21,22 (1253)
To the person suppos'd to be Mr. Ebenezer Cleveland; now in
Ipswich, Sir!
. . . I was credibly inform'd that our Seperatists had got
another preacher,--that he was brother to him that was here
lately,--that he came on the Saturday night,--and was to
preach in the parish on the Sabbath.  And betwixt the
ringing of the forenoon bells, a neighbour coming into my
house, signify'd that he believ'd that the man would preach
for me that day, if I was willing; . . .  [13 lines + 3
paras more] 

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1746.03.18 
Publisher Kneeland, S. and T. Green 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1746 
Bibliography B0005027
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