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16 Feb 1748:11,12 (1449)
A Computation of the years of the world before Christ,
according to Moses and the Prophets. . .
[last para] And from this nativity of our Lord Christians
begin their account of time. So that the first year from
the first coming of the Lord our Righteousness, the year of
our Lord 1; was the year of the World 3950, a year of
liberty, to be proclaimed by sounding the trumpet of
Jubilee. And at his second appearance, he shall come in the
clouds of heaven, with power and great glory, and send his
angels with a loud sound of a trumpet togather his elect
from the four winds of heaven into his eternal Kingdom.
This shall be the last and great Jubilee of Jubilees.
Boston, Feb. 12. 1747. J. Read.