Citation - Boston Gazette: 1748.08.30

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Index Entry Bell, in Georgia, rung at Whitefield's orphan house 
Location Georgia 
30 Aug 1748:11,12,13 (1476)
Extract out of several letters written from Mr. Samuel
Fayrweather of Boston, N.E. now in South-Carolina--to
several ministers in this town.--
 [Long description of the orphan-house founded by the Rev.
Mr. Whitefield in Ga., its building and the functions its
parts serve] Bethesda in Georgia, May 25th. 1748. . . 
 [12, para.2:]  The order of the house is as follows:---At
five o'clock (in summer) and six in winter, the bell rings
to call the family out of their beds, half an hour is
allow'd to wash and perform secred duties; then the bell
rings again to call every one to publick prayers in the
chappel; the person that performs is either the master of
the house, or school-master:---He first sings a suible hymn
for the morning; then reads a chapter out of the sacred
scriptures, then prays suitable to the occasion.  Afterwards
all go to their proper work; the children some of them spin,
others pick cotton &c. at eight o'clock the bell rings again
to call to school:-- At twelve o'clock it rings to dinner,
in the same manner as breakfast:-- At two o'clock it rings
for school again, which continues 'till five o'clock:--- At
sun-set the bell rings for supper: --- After supper the
family is call'd to prayers, which is perform'd in the same
manner as in the morning, except in the room of a chapter is
read Dr. Guyse's paraphrase, or Mr. Henry, if no preacher is
here. . . 
[8 lines + 6 paras. more]

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1748.08.30 
Publisher Kneeland, S. and T. Green 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1748 
Bibliography B0005143
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