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11 Apr 1749:22 (1517)
Just imported from London, in the John Galley, and to be
sold by Gilbert and Lewis Deblois, at the sign of the Crown
and Comb in Queen-street, Boston.
A great assortment of brass, pewter, shot, and nails, all
sorts of iron-mongery, founders and braziery wares, with the
best sorts London, Sheffield and Birmingham cutlery wares,
sheet copper and bottoms, block tin for stills, brass wire
for horse whips, English spades, and thumb mops, black
pepper, starch, sole leather, floor brooms, violins, bows,
strings, &c. with a variety of men's single worsted caps,
cotton romalls, coloured ribbons, fine worsted quality
bindings, worsted crewills, with a number of other articles,
all at reasonable rates. N.B. Any country trader or others
may be as well supply'd by sending a letter, as if present