Citation - Boston Gazette: 1750.04.03

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Index Entry Loom, the comb, the spinning wheel, The [fl] 
Location Boston 
3 Apr 1750:13 (1568)
The following honest observations of one of our country men,
were published among us in the year 1702, which perhaps
might do very well again, as a proper & seasonable caution
just now.  There appearing in the plainest homespun, I hope
will be no disparagement at all, but rather recommend 'em. 
I am your humble servant, E.D.
The loom, the comb, the spinning wheel,
Would much promote this country's weal
If we could wear more our own woollen:
We should have kept our coin away,
. . . [23 more lines]

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1750.04.03 
Publisher Kneeland, S. and T. Green 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1750 
Bibliography B0005225
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