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4 Dec 1750:11,12,13 (1603)
[Con]tinuation of a supplement to the Bishop of London's
letter to the clergy and people of London and Westminster,
on occasion of the late earthquakes.
Another natural consequence of such indifference for
religion in some and great contempt of it in others, the
want of probity & integrity, in trans-[ ]ing the common
affairs of life, in carrying on of trade and commerce. . .
It would be endless to mention all the particular sins of
this nation, they are so many. The censoriousness, the
uncharitable and unchristian temper that appears in the
writings of some against their adversaries, when discussing
of points that want clearing up, and on subjects of the most
ferious and interesting nature, to the shame and reproach of
our common Christianity. The licentiousness of plays and
masquerades; the connivance at, if not protection of,
innumerable infamous houses both for lewdness and gaming;
the corruption, false swearing, and wicked arts used at
elections; the chicanery and unreasonable delays in law
proceedings, by means of which many families are ruined and
undone, only for endeavouring to recover their rights; the
bad examples of persons of high rank, who frequently
countenance the breakers of those laws they themselves make,
and which is worse, and most unbecoming of legislators, too
often done by themselves; the infamous and obscene songs and
ballads that are openly sung in our publick streets, to the
great uneasiness of all modest, virtuous persons who are
passing by; to the great corruption and depravity of our
servants and children, and to the total discouragement of
virtue among the common people in general: And lastly, as
the source of all, the fatal neglect of both the private and
publick duties of religion, and of the Lord's-day; these are
some, tho' alas ! but a few, of the crying sins of this
nation. . . [2 more paras]