Citation - Boston Gazette: 1751.12.17

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Index Entry Music, essay, cures bite of tarantula, in article on cure of cancers 
Location London 
17 Dec 1751:11 (1657)
From the Gentleman's Magazine from July 1751.
The Cure of Cancers.
From an eminent physician at New-York.
I know not, that any certain method of cure of genuine
cancers has hitherto been discovered by physicians, at least
the general want of success, in the common methods of cure,
too plainly discovers that any certain method is very little
known.  We have several instances of cures, by very simple
and unexpected remedies, of distempers which had, 'till such
remedies were discovered, baffled all the skill of the most
learned and experienced physicians.  Witness the cure of the
vipers bite by oil, of the tarantola by musick, and, I may
add, of the intermittent fevers, by the Peruvian bark. . .
[ca. 15 more lines]

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1751.12.17 
Publisher Kneeland, S. and T. Green 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1751 
Bibliography B0005314
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