Citation - Boston Gazette: 1753.08.14

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Index Entry Music, in Boston, in procession for Society for Encouraging Industry... 
Location Boston 
14 Aug 1753:31 (33)
Boston. . .  Last Wednesday being the annual meeting of the
Society for Encouraging Industry and Imploying the Poor, an
excellent sermon was preached before the said society and a
vast assembly, at the Old South Meeting House, by the Rev.
Mr. Samuel Cooper of this town,. . . [4 lines] and in the
afternoon near 300 spinners, some of them children of 7 or 8
years old, and several of the daughters of the best families
among us, with their wheels at work, sitting orderly in
three rows, made a handsome appearance on the common:  The
weavers with a loom and one at work, on a stage made for
that purpose, attended with musick, preceeding the Society
as they walk'd in procession to view the said
spinners.---Several thousand spectators assembled on this

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1753.08.14 
Publisher Kneeland, S. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1753 
Bibliography B0005378
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