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13 Nov 1753:41 (46)
Ran-away on the 16th of October, from his master, Stephen
Turner of Hartford, a Negro man called Primas, about 37
years of age, a stout, tall well set fellow, had on when he
went away, a brown double brested jacket, with mettle
buttons, and a strip'd hollland jacket under it, a check'd
holland shirt, ruffled with the same, a pair of strip'd
trowsers, a pair of blewish worsted stockings, calf skin
shoes with buckles, a caster hatt, a white holland cap, has
lost the first joint of one of his great toes.
Whoever shall take up said runaway, and secure him so that
his master may have him again, shall have twenty pounds old
tenor reward, and all necessary charges paid by me,
Hartford, November 5. 1753. Stephen Turner.
N.B. Said Negro is a good fidler, & had his fidle with him.