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9 Jul 1754:32,41 (80)
Gilbert and Lewis Deblois hereby notify their town and
country customers, that they have lately imported a large
assortment of goods from London, which are to be sold at
their shop in Queen Street, Boston, by wholesale and retail,
very cheap for ready money, or such pay as may suit, viz.
Brass kettles, skillets, warming-pans, copper tea-kettles,
coffee pots, chaffing-dishes, sauce-pans, &c. Best London
hard-metal and common pewter dishes, plates,
basons, porringers, quart-pots, tankards, soup-kettles, tea
pots and spoons, bed and close-stool pans, measures,
&c. All sizes of London nails, tacks, brads, tenter-hooks,
&c. English faggot-steel, powder, lead and shot, scyths,
sickles, frying and dripping-pans, spades and shovels,
London wool and cotton cards, best Bridgport cod-lines,
Exeter fish hooks of all sizes: A great assortment of
brass-handles, escutions and other furniture for desks and
book cases; files and rasps, sadler's and shoemaker's wares
of all kinds; choice velvet corks, Moor's plain irons,
chizels, firmers and gouges, hand and cross-cut saws,
compasses, box rules, brass wire; English sole-leather,
Irish glew. All sorts of locks, hinges, bolts, latches and
hammers, best French gun-flints, powder-flasks, swords and
neat polish'd steel andirons, shovel and tongs to sute, box
and sad irons, bellows, canedelsticks, snuffers, brass arms,
coffee-mills, with all other kind of kitchen furniture;
card-wire and all sizes larger, coffin handles and squares:
A great variety of table knives and forks, buck spring
knives, cutto s, &c. London city seissars, shears, razors,
hones, straps, &c. Brass & horn ink-pots; horn and ivory
combs, stay hooks; best London sewing and knitting needles,
pins, men's and women's thimbles, ink-powder, money scales
and weights, jews-harps, snuff-boxes, brushes of all kinds,
fine white wax necklaces and pendants; a great assortment of
white and yellow metal coat & breast buttons, sleeve
buttons, shoe & knee-buckles, spare chaps and tongs,
brillant ear ring stones, foil, &c. with all other sorts of
London, Sheffield & Birmingham hard wares,--cheap violins,
bows, flutes, and best Roman strings; also sundry sorts of
English goods, viz. German serge, broad cloths, London &
Bristol shalloons, tammies, checks, colour'd threads, sewing
silk, mohair, worsted crewils, well shaded, garterings,
worsted caps, edgions, ribbons, &c. &c. with all sizes of
womens plain and flower'd ruffel shoes (English made) at 6s.
per pair, a few barrels of linseed oyl cheap for cash.
N.B. An assortment of the above goods are to be had also at
their shop in Providence, over the great bridge near the
meeting house, cheap for ready money, or West-India goods.