Citation - Boston Gazette: 1755.01.14

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Index Entry Abbot, Samuel, sells jews harps, psalters 
Location Boston 
14 Jan 1755:41 (107)
Just imported from London, and sold by Samuel Abbot, Near
the Mill-Bridge, opposite to Mr. Joseph How's, Tinman in
Boston:  A large assortment of goods, of divers sorts, very
cheap indeed for cash, either by wholesale or retail, viz. .
  [Mostly dry goods:  22 lines:]lookingglasses, black white
necklaces, yellow mettal buttons, white silver wash'd ditto,
brass ink-pots, knives, raisors, scissars and shears,
thimbles, knitting needles, sleave buttons, jews harpes horn
and ivory combs, writing paper, small hand, ditto, brow,
ditto, Holman's London ink powder, leather ink potts,
spectacln and cases, bibles, testaments, spelling-books,
psalters & primees.
  N.B.  Choice good bohea tea, coffee, chocolate, coco-nuts,
sugar, raisons by the cask or pound, figgs, spices of all
sorts, pepper starch, cotton-wooll, flax, whale-bone
logwood, and red wood, & many other articles too numerous to
be mentioned, &c. &c. &c.

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1755.01.14 
Publisher Kneeland, S. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1755 
Bibliography B0005449
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