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10 May 1756:21 (58)
Boston, May 10. Thursday last arrived here that matchless
piece of mechanism the microcosm, or, the world in
miniature, made by the late ingenious Henry Bridges, of
London. This wonderful piece, for the magnificence of it's
structure; the beauty of it's painting and sculpture, the
excellency of it's musick, with just proportion of the
coelestial phaenomena, and the variety of moving figures, is
esteemed the most instructive as well as entertaining piece
of it's kind that ever yet appeared; and ought to be seen by
people of all ranks and degrees whatsoever.
N.B. 'Twas for this machine that late Prince of Wales
offer'd 3000 guineas and 200 per ann. during the author's
We hear 'twill be exhibited in this town but for a short