Citation - Boston Gazette: 1756.07.05

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Index Entry Dexter, Samuel, sells jews harps 
Location Boston 
5 Jul 1756:42 (66)
Samuel Dexter, living near the corner of Cross-Street, where
Mr. Marverick formerly kept the sign of the Horse & Plough,
a little to the northward of the Mill-Bridge,--Has a fine
assortment of goods, chiefly imported in the last ships from
London, to sell, at very reasonable rates--Such as, the very
best of French indigo, bohea & byson tea, turkey figs,. . .
[25 lines] womens scissars, barbers ditto, jews harps, case
knives and forks, a bell-metal skillet that will hold two
beer galloons, [4 lines]
  N.B.  Any trader on sending a letter out of the country
may have every thing sent to his liking, both as to quality
and price, as well as if present himself.

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1756.07.05 
Publisher Edes and Gill 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1756 
Bibliography B0005526
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