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5 Jul 1756:42 (66)
Samuel Dexter, living near the corner of Cross-Street, where
Mr. Marverick formerly kept the sign of the Horse & Plough,
a little to the northward of the Mill-Bridge,--Has a fine
assortment of goods, chiefly imported in the last ships from
London, to sell, at very reasonable rates--Such as, the very
best of French indigo, bohea & byson tea, turkey figs,. . .
[25 lines] womens scissars, barbers ditto, jews harps, case
knives and forks, a bell-metal skillet that will hold two
beer galloons, [4 lines]
N.B. Any trader on sending a letter out of the country
may have every thing sent to his liking, both as to quality
and price, as well as if present himself.