Citation - Boston Gazette: 1756.07.26

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Index Entry Deblois, Gilbert, sells jews harps, flutes, violins, bows, bridges, strings 
Location Boston 
26 Jul 1756:22 (69)
Just imported from London, and to be sold by wholesale or
retail at the cheapest rates, by Gilbert Deblois, at the
Sign of the Crown & Comb near the Prison in Queen-Street,
Boston.  All sorts of goods in brass, copper, pewter, iron,
and steel, viz.
  Brass kettles and skillets, warming pans, tea kettles,
boiling, coffee, chocolate, and drinking pots,. . . [25
lines] coffin furniture, all sorts of bells, brass cocks,
memorandum books, pencels, &c. . . [12 lines] London sewing
and knitting needles, pins, brass and iron jews-harps, fish
hooks and lines, horn and ivory combs, ink pots, fountain
pens,. . . [13 lines] &c. with all other sorts of London,
Sheffield & Birmingham cutlary wares, good violins, English
and German flutes, bows, bridges, pins, best roman violin
strings, with sets for violincello; a fine assortment of
worsted crewills and slacks, yellow canvas, mens worsted
caps, womens plain and flower'd russel English shoes, choice
bohea tea, the best of coffe, and a variety of English
  N.B.  Country traders and shopkeepers may be as well
serv'd by sending letters, as if present themselves.

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1756.07.26 
Publisher Edes and Gill 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1756 
Bibliography B0005529
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