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2 Aug 1756:23 (70)
Just imported from London, and to be sold by wholesale or
retail at the cheapest rates, by Gilbert Deblois, at the
Sign of the Crown & Comb near the Prison in Queen-Street,
Boston. All sorts of goods in brass, copper, pewter, iron,
and steel, viz.
Brass kettles and skillets, warming pans, tea kettles,
boiling, coffee, chocolate, and drinking pots,. . . [25
lines] coffin furniture, all sorts of bells, brass cocks,
memorandum books, pencels, &c. . . [12 lines] London sewing
and knitting needles, pins, brass and iron jews-harps, fish
hooks and lines, horn and ivory combs, ink pots, fountain
pens,. . . [13 lines] &c. with all other sorts of London,
Sheffield & Birmingham cutlary wares, good violins, English
and German flutes, bows, bridges, pins, best roman violin
strings, with sets for violincello; a fine assortment of
worsted crewills and slacks, yellow canvas, mens worsted
caps, womens plain and flower'd russel English shoes, choice
bohea tea, the best of coffe, and a variety of English
N.B. Country traders and shopkeepers may be as well
serv'd by sending letters, as if present themselves.