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16 Jan 1758:41,42 (146)
Imported in the last ships from London and Bristol, by
Gilbert Deblois, and to be sold at his warehouse on the
Town-Dock, near the Swing-Bridge, and shop at the corner of
Queen-Street opposite the Town-Pump, very cheap for cash, or
short credit;
A great assortment of ironmongery, braizery, sadlery and
cutlary wares, all sorts of London hard metal an common
pewter, brass kettles, &c. powder, shot, lead, English and
German steel, tin plates, lanthorn leaves, best ships arms,
blunderbusses, pistols, &c. London tow, wool, and cotton
cards, cod and other fishing lines, Exeter fish-hooks,
shoe-maker's tools, mens best London twigs, whole and half
hunter whips, scates, brooms and brushes of all sorts, brass
furniture for chest of draws, desks, &c. English
sole-leather, swords, hangers and belts, with spare blades
for silver mounts, all kinds of kitchen furniture, a great
variety of new fashion white and yellow metal coat and
jacket buttons, cheap white stone and other sleeve buttons,
christial stones, foil, &c. for jewellers, borax, London
pins, needles, silver thimbles, new fashion penchbeck and
other sorts of shoe and knee bucklees, snuff boxes, India
cain joints, hickery [sic] and other fashionable walking
sticks, backgamon tables, cards, &c. window glass, writing
paper, all sorts of spices, raisins turkey figs, flask oyl,
choice congoe tea, &c. ALSO sundry sorts of English and
India piece goods; suitable for the season. Fresh Roman
violin strings, with most sorts of instruments, musick
books, &c.----N.B. Any person that has a likely Negro boy
to dispose of, that can be well recommended, may apply to
the advertiser.