Citation |
6 Feb 1758:12,13 (149)
By the Ship Earl of Halifax Packet, Captain Rand, arrived at
New-York, the 20th ult. in 41 days form Falmouth, we have
the following agreeable intelligence. From the London
Gazette. Extract of a letter from the Prussian Army, upon
the unstrut, in Thuriagen, of the 7th of November 1757.
[12, para. 4:] On the 5th, intelligence was brought, at
nine o'clock in the morning, that the enemy was every where
in motion. We heard their drums beating the march the whole
morning, and we could very plainly perceive, form our camp,
that their whole infantry, which had drawn nearer upon the
rising grounds over-against us, was filing off towards their
right. . .