Citation - Boston Gazette: 1758.06.26

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Index Entry Cesar, runaway Negro, took violin 
Location Woodstock 
26 Jun 1758:22 (169)
Run-away from his master Samuel McClellan, of Woodstock in
Connecticut, on the 6th instant, a Negro man servant names
Cesar, about 22 years of age:  Had on when he went away, a
blue grey strait bodied coat, and breeches of the same, a
red shag double-breasted jacket, stript woolen cap, and an
old beaver hat; and carried a violin with him.  Whoever
shall take up the above runaway, and convey him to his said
master, shall have four dollars reward, and all necessary
charges paid, by Samuel McClellan.

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1758.06.26 
Publisher Edes and Gill 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1758 
Bibliography B0005629
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