Citation - Boston Gazette: 1759.05.21

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Index Entry Coff, runaway Negro, plays violin 
Location Boston 
21 May 1759:23 (216)
Ran-away from the subscribers, two Negroes, one a boy about
16 year old, nam'd Coff, with an old kersey jacket, plays
well on the violin; the other Negro is also nam'd Coff,
about 26 years old, yellow complection, both have red great
coats, and talk good English:  Whoever takes up said
Negroes, and bring or send them to Boston to their masters,
shall have three dollars for each, and all necessary charges
paid, Stephen Deblois, Lewis Deblois.

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1759.05.21 
Publisher Edes and Gill 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1759 
Bibliography B0005676
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