Citation - Boston Gazette: 1760.06.16

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Index Entry Deblois, Lewis, sells German and common flutes, violin strings 
Location Boston 
16 Jun 1760:13 (272)
Imported in the last ships from London, and to be sold by
Lewis Deblois, At his shop at the Golden-Eagle on Dock-
Square (only by wholesale) cheap for cash, or Nathanil
Wheelwright, Esq'rs; notes, viz.
  clouded taffaty. [abonged] sattin, lutestrings, ducipes,
rich black satin, rich flower'd and blue pelong sattin rich:
mode [farfned],. . . [3d line from bottom:]  with a fine
assortment of London, Birmingham and Sheffield hard-ware
goods, common and German flutes, violin strings.---nails,
tax, brads, and sho's &c. &c.&c.

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1760.06.16 
Publisher Edes and Gill 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1760 
Bibliography B0005732
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