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19 Jan 1761:13 (303)
Just imported in the Captains Aitkens and Bull, from London,
and to be sold--for ready money only, at the lowest
advance,--wholesale or retail, by Stephen Deblois, jun. At
the Golden-Eagle, on Dock Square, Boston;
Brass chair nails; iron pepper mills; slay bells & whips;
steel andirons, shovel and tongs; brass kettles; brass &
copper chaffing dishes; copper boiling pots; stew & baking
pans; bell metal skillets; best common and hard metal pewter
plates, dishes, basons, porringers, tea pots spoons, &c.
Bar lead; duck and goose shot; gun powder; german steel;
best G B London wool and cotton cards; white lead; prussian
blues and leaf gold. All sorts of locks, latchees, bolts,
hammers, rules, saws, chizzels, &c. Stirup irons, snaffle
bitts, sets, fringes & laces, webb & all other sorts of
saddlers wares; fine shoe spinnel & best fine narrow quality
bindings; best London awl blades, tax pincers, hammers and
lasts; also a full & compleat assortment of all sorts of
London Birmingham & Sheffield cutlary and hard ware goods,
such as has been usually sold in said shop. Black pepper,
nutmegs, cinnamon, cloves, alspice; best bohea tea per
quantity; French indigo; brown sugar; molasses; split peas,
&c. All sorts of linnens; coarse and fine broad cloths;
baize; flannels; frizes; german and embos'd serges;
swanskins; duffils; blankets ready made; lincey beds and
bedding; a great variety of new fashion stuffs; camblets;
calimancoes; tammies; shalloons; russels; worsted damasks;
lastings and amens; women's shoes; all sorts of hosiery;
worsted caps; ribbons; pins and needles; qualities; gimp;
sewing silks; thread; tapes; writing paper and hangings;
violins and strings; flutes, bows and brides. [bridges]