Citation - Boston Gazette: 1761.01.19

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Index Entry Cutler, John, sells jews harps 
Location Boston 
19 Jan 1761:33 (303)
Imported in the last ships from London, and to be sold by
John Cutler, at the Golden Cock, Marlborough-Street, over
against Doctor Aston's Boston.
  2d. 3d. 4d. 6d. 8d. 10,20d, nails, brads and tacks of all
sorts; brass kettles; skillets, warming pans; best London
pewter dishes, plates, basons, tankards, quart pots,
porringers, spoons, and bed-pans, best large hardmettle
plates, dishes, canns, teapots and spoons, brass skimmers &
ladles copper & brass chaffingdishes, brass candlesticks,
hand ditto, brass arms, iron dripping & frying pans, camp
chaffingdishes, English & German steel; horn & bone table
knives and forks, penknives, backspring knives; steel
scissors in cases, rasors, horse flehms; brass, horn and
leather ink-pots, taylors shears iron and brass jewsharps,
iron brass and steel snufers, horn and ivory combs, steel
chapes and tongues;. . . [22 lines]
  The above goods will be sold very cheap for cash or
treasurer's notes. 
 [pointing hand] Said Cutler makes all sorts of founders
ware as usual.

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1761.01.19 
Publisher Edes and Gill 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1761 
Bibliography B0005763
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