Citation - Boston Gazette: 1761.01.19

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Index Entry Books, music books, for sale by Deblois, Lewis 
Location Boston 
19 Jan 1761:41,42 (303)
Lewis Deblois, lately returned from London, informs his town
and country customers, that he has opened a store at the
bottom of King-Street, next door to Messirs. Apthorp and
Gardiner, nearly opposite to Joseph Dowse's Esq;'s
insurance-office, and is now opening a choice and general
assortment of goods suitable for the season; just imported
in the Jupiter, Captain Bull, which will in a few days be
ready for sale, at the lowest advance for cash, treasurer's
notes or short credit. [1 col. mostly textiles, + 10 lines:]
house brushes, spectacles, &c.--Violins and strings, flutes,
musick books; with a variety of other articles, too tedious
to be ennumerated.
  N.B.  Choice Jamaica molasses by the quantity and brown

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1761.01.19 
Publisher Edes and Gill 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1761 
Bibliography B0005763
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