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19 Jan 1761:41,42 (303)
Lewis Deblois, lately returned from London, informs his town
and country customers, that he has opened a store at the
bottom of King-Street, next door to Messirs. Apthorp and
Gardiner, nearly opposite to Joseph Dowse's Esq;'s
insurance-office, and is now opening a choice and general
assortment of goods suitable for the season; just imported
in the Jupiter, Captain Bull, which will in a few days be
ready for sale, at the lowest advance for cash, treasurer's
notes or short credit. [1 col. mostly textiles, + 10 lines:]
house brushes, spectacles, &c.--Violins and strings, flutes,
musick books; with a variety of other articles, too tedious
to be ennumerated.
N.B. Choice Jamaica molasses by the quantity and brown