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23 Nov 1761:41 (347)
Stephen Deblois, Jun. At the Golden Eagle on Dock Square,
has imported in the last ships from London and Bristol, a
fine assortment of cutlary and braziers wares, which he will
sell very cheap for cash, consisting of,
Pewter dishes, plates, basons, tea-pots, spoons &c. Brass
kettles, tea-kettles, baking and frying pans, warming pans,
brass and iron chaffing dishes, shovel and tongs, neat steel
andirons, bellows, coffee roasters,and all other kinds of
kitchen furniture---- All sizes of shot, bar lead, gun
powder, nails, tax and brads, hinges, locks, latches,
hammers, cross cut saws, and all sorts of common and steel
plate hand saws, files and rasps, coffee and pepper mills,
English and German steel choice London GB wool & cotton
cards, all sorts pen & case knives & forks, sissars, razors,
hones; a choice assortment of stone, brass & inland sleeve
buttons, metal & horn coat & breast buttons; choice London
sewing needles, pins, jews-harps; a great variety of brass
furniture for desks and book cases, &c.----Brass chair
nails, slay bells, whips, mens and boys scates, violins,
flute strings, &c. Setts of house brushes, &c.
Gloucestershire cheese; brilliant & cypher button and
earring stones, red and white foil; flukes and tongs; a
great variety of newest pattern snuff & tobacco boxes;
window glass; allum, copperas, brimstone, indigo, currants,
black pepper, cloves, cinnamon, mace, nutmegs, allspice,
split peas, choice bohea tea.
[pointing hand] Fine London starch, at 2s 9d. O.T. per