Citation - Boston Gazette: 1765.07.29

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Index Entry Books, plays, psalms, for sale by Freeman, Philip 
Location Boston 
29 Jul 1765:42 (539)
Lately imported from London, by Philip Freeman, at the Blue
Glove, facing the Cornfields in Union-Street, the following
books, to be sold cheap for cash. . . [in 2 half columns;
too difficult to count]  select plays 3 vols. . .
Shakespear's works 7 vol . . .  Tansur's royal melody. . .
Tate and Brady's psalms. . .

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1765.07.29 
Publisher Edes and Gill 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1765 
Bibliography B0005999
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