Citation - Boston Gazette: 1767.01.19

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Index Entry Deblois, Gilbert, sells German flutes, guitars, violin strings, bridges 
Location Boston 
19 Jan 1767:22 (616)
Lately imported from London, and to be sold by Gilbert
Deblois, at his shop, opposite the bottom of School-Street,
near the Rev. Dr. Sewall's meeting house, by wholesale and
retail, very cheap for ready money, a large assortment very
genteel and fashionable color'd broad clothes of all
prices,. . . [8 lines up from bottom:]  writing paper, Roman
violin strings, bridges, German flutes, a few neat guitars,
 [pointing hand] The above goods will be sold as low as if
the prices were affix'd to each article, as it's well known
the fixing prices to goods in an advertisement does by no
means denote the cheapness of  them, as they differ so much
in quality.--

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1767.01.19 
Publisher Edes and Gill 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1767 
Bibliography B0006076
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