Citation - Boston Gazette: 1767.05.11

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Index Entry Accomplished Maid [t], for sale by Mein, John 
Location Boston 
11 May 1767:32 (632)
Just imported, and to be sold by John Mein, at the London
Book-Store, North Side of King-Street, Boston.
Magazines and Reviews for November. . .[-] February. . ..
[3d item:]  The Ladies Memorandum Book 1767. . . [3 lines] 
Containing. . . [1 line] Favourite songs for the year 1767--
Country dances for 1767--Poems--Directions for the game of
whist, &c. &c. . . [10 lines]
  New Novels and Plays.  Conflict, 3 vols.  Charles Change. 
Nunnery, 2 vols.  Charles Villiers, 2 vols.  Vicar of
Wakefield, 2 vols.  Tristram Shandy, vol. 9th.  Continuation
of Marianne.  Mrs. Pittborough. Happy Life.  Country
Cousins, 2 vols.  Masque--a new song book.  Female American,
2 vol.  Miss Drayton, 3 vol.  Adventures of an Author, 2
vol.  Cymon, by Mr. Garrick.  Cunning Man, by Mr. Rousseau. 
Country Girl.  Double Mistake.  Adopted Daughter, 2 vol. 
Convent, 2 vol.  Delia Stanhope, 2 vol.  The Magdalen, or
History of Miss Louisa Mildmay, 2 vol.  Perplexities, a
comedy.  Earl of Warwick, a tragedy by Mr. Franklin. 
English Merchant, a comedy of Mr. Colman.  Love in the City. 
School for Guardians, by Mr. Murphy.  Accomplished Maid. 
Clandestine Marriage, by Garrick.
  Besides some hundreds of the best and most modern novels,
plays and opera's.
  Mein has at present for sale, a grand assortment of the
best books, in every art and science, which he will sell at
the very lowest prices, for cash only.

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1767.05.11 
Publisher Edes and Gill 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1767 
Bibliography B0006092
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