Citation - Boston Gazette: 1767.08.31

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Index Entry Bell, in Elizabethtown, rung by gaoler for assistance in riot of officers 
Location Elizabethtown 
31 Aug 1767:41 (648)
Elizabeth-Town, (New-Jersey,) July 28, 1767.  This town was
last night alarmed by a riot committed by several of the
officers of the 28th regiment (late from Montreal) the
particulars of which are as follow, viz.
  The officers being under arms to march with the troops
quartered here, by 4 o'clock this morning, to join their
regiment at Amboy, in order to embark for Europe.  Between
12 and 1 o'clock at night, they assembled in a body, and
marched through several parts of the town, with drums and
fifes.  As the inhabitants had used them so very ungenteely
as to make them pay their debts, which they had generally
been obliged to according to law; the officers seemed
determined upon revenge. . . [15 lines] The goaler then
released the prisoners, for his assistance, and rung the
bell; the officers then marched off, but soon returned with
a body of soldiers, some with bayonets fixed. . . [1/2 col.

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1767.08.31 
Publisher Edes and Gill 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1767 
Bibliography B0006108
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