Citation - Boston Gazette: 1769.06.05

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Index Entry Drummers, in Leicester, to play before court house, in warning 
Location Leicester 
5 Jun 1769:33 (739)
To Mr. Thomas Denny, Representative for the town of
Leicester and districts of Spencer and Paxton.  Sir,
  You have received the greatest testimony of the confidence
your constituents repose in you by electing you their
representative to serve them in the Great and General Court,
or Assembly of the province; and at a time, when all the
wisdom and fortitude you are possessed of, should be
exerted:  We shall therefore briefly communicate our
sentiments to you.
  And first, we would recommend to you the privileges of a
free assembly, and that you do not suffer any of them to be
invaded:  The honor and dignity of a free legislative will
require a removal of those guards and cannon placed against
your house; and if suffered to continue there, will by their
fifeing & drumming be a great disturbance whilst your are
debating upon matters of the greatest importance. [7 more

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1769.06.05 
Publisher Edes and Gill 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1769 
Bibliography B0006200
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