Citation - Boston Gazette: 1769.06.05

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Index Entry Books, singing, for sale from estate of Holbrook, Abiah 
Location Boston 
5 Jun 1769:41 (739)
All persons indebted to, or that have any demands, upon the
estate of Mr. Abiah Holbrook, late of Boston, School-master,
deceased, are desired to bring in their accounts to Rebecca
Holbrook, sole executrix to said estate.
  N.B.  Said executrix has a large collection of books in
most branches of literature, among which are a great variety
of singing books, which will be sold cheap--Several sorts of
paper, &c. &c.
  She has also good accommodations for boarders, at her
house in the common.  Boston, May 29, 1769.

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1769.06.05 
Publisher Edes and Gill 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1769 
Bibliography B0006200
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