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17 Jul 1769:42 (745)
Umbrilloes made and sold by Isaac Greenwood, turner, at his
shop in Forestreet, next door to Dr. Clark's, North-End,
Boston, at the following prices, viz.
Neat mahogany frames tip'd with ivory or brass ferrils at
40s. old tenor, an inferior sort at 30s. a piece, and
cheaper by the dozen; neat lutestring or mantua silk
umbrilloes at 4 dollars, Persian dittoes from 2 to 3 dollars
a piece. Those ladies whose ingenuity, leisure and oeconomy
leads them to make their own, may have them cut out by
buying the sticks or frames of him. Ladies that choose
them, made, may have them done on reasonable terms.
N.B. Gentlemen may be supply'd with neat hickery walking
sticks, with ivory or bone heads, fifes, billiard balls, and
tacks, and many other things in the turner's way, cheap for