Citation - Boston Gazette: 1769.11.13

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Index Entry Barclay, Andrew, sells plays, psalters, psalm books, Tansur and Williams 
Location Boston 
13 Nov 1769:43 (762)
Andrew Barclay, at the Sign of the Gilt Bible in Cornhill,
informs his customers and others, that he is remov'd from
his shop north side of the Three Kings, to the other side of
the way nearly opposite to the Heart and Crown, about half
way between the Old Brick Meeting and Dr. Sewall's, where he
binds all sorts of books, gilt or plain, in the neatest and
best manner, gentlemen or ladies who please to favour him
with their custom may depend upon being served cheap, with
fidelity and dispatch.
  N.B.  At the same place may be had a variety of books in
divinity, history, pamphlets, plays, Tansur and William's
singing books, spelling books, psalters, primers, psalm
books, and many others too tedious to mention.

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1769.11.13 
Publisher Edes and Gill 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1769 
Bibliography B0006223
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