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1 Jan 1770:12 (769)
Imported from London (before the non-importation agreement
took place) and to be sold at the very lowest rates, by
Cyrus Baldwin, at his shop, the Sign of the Three Nuns and
Comb in Cornhill, Boston.
Broad cloths, ratteens, German serges, white flannel,
striped swanskin, shalloons, tammies, durants, yard-wide
figured stuffs, figured cambleteens, mens and womens black
velvet, olive-coloured ditto, fine Irish linnens, mens
womens and childrens hose of all sizes and colours, womens
best Lynn-made shoes and galoshoes.
Red drapery baize manufactured in this country, superior
in quality to those imported from England.
Also, tea, coffee and chocolate, cotton-wool, best French
indigo, electrical globes, crow quills, hautboy reeds and
violin strings, with other articles too many to be here