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19 Feb 1770:32 (776)
Auction-Hall,--King-Street,--To-morrow evening (Tuesday) at
five o'clock.---will be sold by publick vendue, at
Auction-Hall,--(On a special occasion.)
A great variety of articles,--among which are, Childrens,
youths and mens stockings by the dozen; variety of buttons
per groce; knives, snuff boxes,. . . [7 lines] garterings
per groce, hats,caps, shoes, mens secondhand apparel, silver
watches, a second-hand dulcimer, Hadley's quadrant compleat,
(and a very good one);--feather beds, chairs, &c.
Also, broad cloths, Irish linnens, bedticks, fine cotton
cheks, &c. &c. John Gerrish.
Auction-Hall.---to-morrow----Five o'clock.