Citation - Boston Gazette: 1770.12.10

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Index Entry Books, music, for sale by Langdon, John 
Location Boston 
10 Dec 1770:11 (818 Supplement)
A fine assortment of paper, to be sold by John Langdon,
Tertius.  At his shop lately improv'd by Messi'rs Cox &
Berry, nearly opposite the Post Office.  Likewise, a fine
assortment of books in the following branches of literature,
viz. . . [subjects listed in alphabetical order, incl.:]
Music. . .  All kinds of stationary, with a variety of other
  N.B.  The above-mentioned will be sold cheaper than at any
store or shop in town, as he intends to leave this place in
the spring.

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1770.12.10 
Publisher Edes and Gill 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1770 
Bibliography B0006279
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