Citation - Boston Gazette: 1772.05.25

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Index Entry Barclay, Andrew, sells psalmody books, plays, psalm, psalters 
Location Boston 
25 May 1772:41 (894)
Books just imported in the last ships from Glasgow, and to
be sold by Andrew Barclay, at the Sign of the Gilt-Bible, in
Cornhill Boston, viz. . .. [9 lines up from bottom:] 
testaments, psalters, spelling books, psalm books of all
kinds gilt or plain, Tansur's and Williams's singing-books,
primmers, plays, paper, pens, ink, wax and wafers, with a
variety of pamphlets, and small books for
children.---Likewise, all sorts of binding done in the
neatest and best manner.--Those who are pleased to favour
said Barclay with their custom, may depend on being served
with fidelity and dispatch.

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1772.05.25 
Publisher Edes and Gill 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1772 
Bibliography B0006355
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