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8 Jun 1772:33 (896)
Whereas it has maliciously been reported that I had one
hundred subscribers, besides sixteen transients for the late
ball on the 4th instant, at 8s lawful money each; that but
part of the money was expensed; and that I had reserv'd ten
guineas for myself.----I therefore beg leave to publish the
following accounts, which will convince the world that the
report was altogether false,-- and that no more remains than
one pound sixteen shillings and seven pence, for all my
trouble and expence of time. William Turner.
Subscribers and transients 1 dollar, viz.
80 at 8s lawful money, L.32
gentlemen, --- 1 0 8
--------- L.33 6 8
Mr. John Blanchard's account for wine
and spirit, 9 13 4
Col.Ingersol's account for 1 doz. red port 1 8
Mr. Joshua Green's account for almonds,
raisins and loaf sugar, ---- 2 7 10
Paid Mrs. Susan ------ for 16 doz. cakes 0 10 8
Mr. Nathaniel Appleton's account for one
box spermaceti candles, ---- ---- 2 7 2
Mr. Joseph Callender's account for biscuit, 0 4 0
Mr. Josia Flagg's account for glasses and
plates broke, Attendance, &c. 3 1 1 1/2
Mr. John Furnass's account for attendance, 0 6 8
Mr. Jones's account for attendance, and
notifying the ladies, ---- 0 8 0
Mr. Edmund Dwyer's account for lemmons,
attendance, &c. ---- ---- 3 15 1 1/2
Two fifes and drum, at 12s each, ---- 1 16 0
1 white and 3 black fiddlers, at 12s each 2 8 0
Cash paid for 2 & 1/2 pound loaf sugar, and one
pound tallow candles, ---- 0 3 3
Hire of Concert Hall, and three rooms, 3 12 0
L.32 1 9
ins 1 4 12
Add stores remaining, viz. 3 bottles red port,
at 28s per dram. ---- ---- 0 11 8