Citation - Boston Gazette: 1776.08.19

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Index Entry Constant, runaway Negro, plays violin 
Location Boston 
19 Aug 1776:33 (1109)
Ran away from the subscriber the 13th instant, a Negro man,
named Constant, about 5 feet 10 inches high, about 25 years
of age:  He had on when he went away, a tow cloth shirt and
long trowsers, a pair of old shoes and plated buckles:  He
carried with him a blue broad cloth coat with red cuffs and
cape, and brass buttons, and the button holes work'd with
red, and dark brown cloath jacket and breeches, a red cloth
jacket, a light colour'd surtout, a white shirt, a pair
large silver shoe buckles mark'd C.I. and a violin.  Whoever
will take up said Negro, and convey him to his master in
Boston, shall have five dollars reward, and all necessary
charges paid by me the subscriber, James Ivers.
  All masters of vessels and others are cautioned against
harbouring, concealing or carrying off said Negro, as they
would avoid the penalty of the law.  N.B.  He was seen in
Waltham last Wednesday.   Boston, August 15, 1771.

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1776.08.19 
Publisher Edes, Benjamin, at Watertown 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1776 
Bibliography B0006570
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