Citation - Boston Gazette: 1777.12.29

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Index Entry And has from earth the youthfull warrior flown [fl] 
Location Boston 
29 Dec 1777:11 (1217)
Elegiac lines, occasioned by the death of Captain Treat, of
the American artillery, who unfortunately fell in an attack
on Fort Mifflin, by a cannon shot from the enemy, November
And has from earth the youthfull warrior flown,
Forever soar'd beyond our weeping view,
To mix with spirits kindred to his own,
And join in heav'n the bravely virtuous few ?
. . . [4/5ths col.]

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1777.12.29 
Publisher Edes, Benjamin, returned to Boston 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1777 
Bibliography B0006641
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