Citation |
3 Dec 1781:12,21 (1423)
From the New-York Gazette. Advertisement. The late
surrender of Lord Cornwallis and his army must undoubtedly
produce the most happy effects to the British nation, by
accelerating the termination of the war and the views of the
ministry with respect to America; as it will unavoidably
interest foreign powers in behalf of the English, and has
taken off a man who was inimical to the glory of Sir Henry
Clinton, and perpetually counteracted his manoeuvres. In a
word, no one can tell or foresee the happy consequences of
this important event, Nevertheless, the subscriber finds it
convenient, for various reasons to remove to Europe. All
persons therefore, who have any demands against, or are
indebted to him, are requested to make a speedy settlement
of their accounts. Notice is also hereby given, that the
subscriber will dispose of his remaining stock in trade by
public auction. The sale to begin at his store on Monday
the 19th instant, and to continue from day to day (Sundays
excepted) from the hours of ten to one in the forenoon,
until the whole is disposed of. It is well known that his
store consists of the most valuable and curious variety of
articles that have ever been exhibited in this part of the
world. The limits of an advertisement will be no means
admit of an adequate display of this extraordinary
collection; the subscriber therefore will content himself
for the present with selecting a few articles for public
attention--complete catalogues will be given at the sale.
Books. . . Plays.
West Point Preserved; or the plot discovered. A tragic
Miss M'Crea. A tragedy.
The Meschianza. A pantomine.
Burgoyne's Address. The Sleeveless Errand, or the
commissioners of peace. The March to Valley-Forge. The
Unsuccessful Attempt, by Gov. Johnstone. The Amorous Hero,
and contented Cuckold, by Gen. Howe--Commedies.
The Battle of the Keggs. A farce.
Who'd Have Thought It, or the introduction of 24 British
standards to the Rebel Congress. A procession. Maps and
Prints. . . Philosophical Apparatus. . .
Patent Medicines. . .
N.B. To every purchaser to the value of 5l. will be given
gratis, one quire of counterfeited continental currency.
Also two quires of proclamations, offering pardon to the
rebels, printed on soft paper.
James Rivington New-York, Nov. 1, 1781.