Citation - Boston Gazette: 1782.04.15

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Index Entry Arne, T A: Dirge [t], to be performed at benefit concert 
Location Boston 
15 Apr 1782:33 (1442)
For the benefit of the poor of Boston; On Tuesday the 23d
April at 3 o'clock p.m. at the Stone Chaple:  will be
perform'd Musica Spiritualia or Sacred Music:  being a
collection of airs, duets and choruses, selected from the
oratorios of Mr. Stanly, Mr. Smith, and the late celebrated
Mr. Handel; together with a favourite dirge set to music by
Thomas Augustus Arne, Doctor in Music.  Also a concert on
the organ by Mr. Selby.
  Books of the performance will be printed and sold at the
Chapel on said day.
  The whole to be conducted under the direction of Mr.
William Selby, Professor of Music, in Boston.
  Tickets to be had for four shillings L.M. each at Peter
Boyer E'q'rs; Town Treasurer.
  Note.  No person will be admitted without tickets, nor any
money taken at the doors.

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1782.04.15 
Publisher Edes, Benjamin, and Sons 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1782 
Bibliography B0006865
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