Citation - Boston Gazette: 1782.09.30

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Index Entry Aretinian Society, performs vocal music in benefit concert in Boston 
Location Boston 
30 Sep 1782:13 (1466)
For the benefit of the poor in Boston alms-house.  On
Thursday 3d October, at three o'clock, p.m.  At Trinity
Church, will be performed, sacred music, being a collection
from Williams, Stephenson, Billings and others--Also an
interlude on the organ between each vocal piece, by Mr.
Bellsted.  The vocal music will be performed by the
Aretinian Society.
  Tickets to be had for four shillings each, at Mr. Enock
Pond's, School-Master, near the old Hay-Market, at Mr.
Billings's near the White-Horse, at Mr. Bowes's near the
State-House, and of the Overseers.
  Doors to be opened at one o'clock.
  N.B.  No person to be admitted with- without a Ticket.
  The very distressed circumstances of the poor in the
Alms-House have excited the compassion of the above-named
society, and led them again to propose a musical
entertainment for their relief.
  The encouragement given on a former occasion, the low
price of the tickets and the well known humanity of the
inhabitants of this town, afford sufficient ground to hope
for an extensive sale, and a full house.
  The Overseers however flatter themselves that the frequent
occasions of applying to the benevolence of their fellow
citizens on behalf of the unhappy persons under their care
will, in future, be removed by a more punctual and competent
supply of the Treasury.

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1782.09.30 
Publisher Edes, Benjamin, and Sons 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1782 
Bibliography B0006889
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