Citation - Boston News Letter: 1704.10.09

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Index Entry Trumpeter, in Crescencio, messenger from Duke of Vendome 
Location Europe 
2-9 Oct 1704:21 (25)
Amsterdam, June 6.  From the Duke of Savoy's camp at
Crescencio, May 19. Colonel Ebergeni was commanded by the
Duke of Lorain to make an excursion with 200 horse and 100
hussars towards the Sefia.  In his return to the camp he
fell in with a party of French hussars in the neighbourhood
of Morans, who attacked him first very warmly, but he
repuls'd them so vigorously that 60 of them were killed on
the spot, the captain was wounded, the lieutenant and the
cornet killed, and the rest were pursued to the gates of the
Balfold.  One standard, several of their horses and 3
prisoners were taken. By a trumpeter from the Duke of
Vendome, we have received the news of the death of Prince
Charles [Thrnes] of Vaudemons.

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1704.10.09 
Publisher Campbell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1704 
Bibliography B0006979
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