Citation - Boston News Letter: 1705.12.10

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Index Entry Bells, in Berlin, to be tolled for funeral of Queen 
Location Berlin 
3-10 Dec 1705:21 (86)
Berlin, June 2.  The King is now at Churnetienbourg, but
intends (as is said) to go shortly to Oranienbourg.  On the
14th instant, which is a fortnight before the day appointed
for the late Queen's funeral, the court is to go again into
very strict mourning, with long cloaks; and the bells are to
be tolled every day at noon, as they were during the first
six weeks after her death.  Great preparations are made for
the interment, which is to be very solemn and magnificent. .
. [10 lines]

Generic Title Boston News Letter 
Date 1705.12.10 
Publisher Campbell, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1705 
Bibliography B0007040
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